
First Congo branded border for hero banners

Children’s Ministry

The Children’s Ministry Committee offers activities to families for enhanced spiritual growth.

Our children will learn of God’s love as they deepen their relationship with God. Through the sharing of joys and concerns, our children will experience a community of faith, build empathy with their classmates, experience prayer, and know that God is always with them as a friend and comforter. They will foster a personal relationship with the loving God revealed in Jesus Christ by exploring Bible stories. They will engage with scripture messages through activities that provide examples of how they might become messengers of God’s love. 

First Congo church children playing with huge bubble machines in field
First Congo Preschooler decorating a pumpkin

Preschool Committee

The Preschool Committee is a group of church members whose children are currently enrolled in the preschool program. The committee acts as a link between the preschool community and the Church. It works closely with the staff to set and attain common goals. The committee assists the preschool with staffing decisions, planning and maintaining overall finances and a yearly budget, creating marketing and registration materials, identifying and funding capital improvements, and coordinating special events and fundraising efforts.

Technology Team

The Technology Committee reviews, assesses and recommends opportunities for how technology trends and products might be used to further our congregation’s ministries, both within the church and with the world. The Technology Committee needs individuals with both knowledge of technology products and trends and their potential creative applications so that they might enhance our church’s worship and ministry programs.

Laptops and technology
Small group of hands joining together

Welcome Team

While the purpose of our Welcome Committee is to help both new and old members feel welcome in the church, it also focuses on assimilating new members into the life of the church, getting to know them as visitors through the orientation process, and keeping in contact with them as members.

The Welcome Committee has several connected positions and functions, including:

Ushers – Seat members before each service, and collect the offering during the service

Greeters – Greeters need only be available once every six weeks, and serve as a friendly face by greeting members as they enter our church before services.

Welcomers – This team wears gold ribbons on Sunday morning, looking for and welcoming all visitors and being a regular presence before and after worship. All members can help by passing the red pew pad, so we can gather visitors contact information, meeting visitors in your row and introducing them to Jeannette or the Welcome Team member, and by wearing your name tag to worship.

Coffee Hour hosts – receive members and guests a coffee hour. Introducing visitors to members and helping old and new friends fellowship after worship.

Sponsors – Sponsors are paired with new members during the orientation process and serve as a guiding resource to answer questions along the way.

Sunday Morning Bagel Pickup – Assistance is needed in picking up our standing bagel bite order from Great American Bagel on Saturday afternoons.

If you are interested in learning more about the Welcome Committee, contact our chair, Marcy Dusza, or staff liaison, Jeannette Lloyd.

If you know of someone interested in finding out about membership, we would love to extend an invitation to our next New Member Orientation.

Youth Ministry Committee

The Youth Ministry (YM) Committee exists to include, inspire and empower 6th–12th grade students in order to grow in faith, serve others and build a welcoming and supportive community through God’s love. Specifically, the committee works to improve current programming, enhance transition times between different grades and create an infrastructure to better support the YM program at FCC. Members of the YM Committee meet monthly September through May and serve a 2-year term.

First Congo kids smiling at camera
First Congo members reading scripts

Church Committees

These groups meet to consider, plan, and carry out the work of the church.

  • Church Council
  • Christian Education
  • Christian Ventures
  • Endowment Fund Trustees
  • Executive Committee
  • Finance Committee
  • Diaconate
  • Music Committee
  • Nominating Committee
  • Mission & Outreach
  • Properties Committee