Advent is a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year comes to a close, a new church year begins. Christ’s birth ushers us into new ways of living and loving; and yet, the world as we know it spins madly on. And so, we invite you to move through this Advent season as if you are entering a sacred new chapter, holding fast to the reminders that will bolster you for the journey ahead.
As you journey through this season, may you find words for belovedness and hope. May you find words for beginning again. For no matter what you are facing, no matter what this new day brings, love is your beginning.

The holidays can be joyful, but can also be a very stressful time of year. Maintaining your mental health and practicing self-care can be critical this time of year. Check out the great tips to help when the season doesn’t feel calm or bright:

Advent “Pause and Reflect” Prayers
With the excitement, anticipation, and “busyness” of Christmas, it can be easy to overlook Advent, the season of preparation for the soul. Christmas can also be a difficult time of year that holds wearying emotions and feelings of loneliness or sadness. Wherever we find ourselves in this spectrum, God is with us. Take time each day to pause, reflect, pray, and listen to God’s voice by visiting our Advent page at wscongo.org/Advent to access daily Advent prayers.

Discover Ways to Give
This Holiday Season
This holiday season, discover the joy of giving! Visit our Volunteer webpage and find the perfect avenue to make a meaningful difference this festive season. Whether it’s lending a helping hand at local events, contributing to charitable causes, or joining initiatives that support those in need, there are countless ways to give back to brighten someone’s holiday!

Purchase a Christmas poinsettia to decorate the altar this Christmas!
- Make an online purchase via REALM or
- Download an order form and return it, along with a check made payable to The First Congregational Church of Western Springs, to the church office by Dec. 13. Please note “POINSETTIA” in the memo line.
WE ALSO NEED VOLUNTEERS to deliver poinsettias on Dec. 25. If you are interested, please indicate your wish where indicated on the same form or contact Meredith@wscongo.org.

Dec. 1, 8:45 & 10AM: 1st Sunday of Advent
You Are a Blessing: Luke 1:26-38, Isaiah 43:1-7
God speaks words of comfort and assurance, telling us, “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1-7) These words encourage us as we face our own challenges and transitions, knowing that God is with us through it all.
This Sunday, we will participate in the Sacrament of Communion, light the candle of Hope, and ring in the season with song.
Dec. 1, 9–12PM: Advent Wreath-Making in Plymouth Hall ($25/wreath)
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Start Advent by making a wreath to celebrate at home! Join us for wreath-making after both services, with treats provided. Be sure to register
for this popular event below:

Dec. 3, 7PM: The Sister Project in the Sanctuary with childcare ($10 suggested donation)
Welcome Lauren Massarella and Michelle Anderson, hosts of the podcast Cozy Conversations with The Sister Project, for a fun, laid-back chat about slowing down, caring less, and mastering the art of doing absolutely nothing (it’s a skill!) To sign up, click the button below:

Dec. 5, 12:30PM: Woman’s Society General Meeting at Plymouth Place
Join us at Plymouth Place, where Blue Lexi will fill the room with the joy of Christmas music, and we’ll enjoy festive treats to celebrate the season.

Dec. 7, 9–12PM: Bemis Woods Brushcutting
Remove invasive and non-native trees and shrubs, save rare and endangered species, and enjoy a cheery brush pile fire (weather permitting). To sign up, click the button below:

Dec. 8, 8:45 & 10AM*: 2nd Sunday of Advent
We Can’t Go Alone: Ruth 1, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
The phrase: “Two are better than one” highlights the benefits of companionship in our journeys. Together, we are stronger, able to lift each other up and provide support in times of need.
During our worship, we not only light the candle of Peace, but also we gather to celebrate relationships, recognizing that God has called us to walk alongside one another in love and service.

Dec. 8, 9AM–12PM: Gifts of Hope Alternative Market in Plymouth Hall
Shop for meaningful gifts at the market and online until Dec. 31! Support over 20 local and global nonprofit organizations. These “gifts” represent supplies and services essential to their missions. Meet representatives from each nonprofit to learn about their impactful work. Purchases can be made for yourself or as thoughtful gifts for friends, family, and colleagues. Special notecards are available for gift recipients.
Matching Gift Opportunity: Thanks to the generosity of Mary Jo Mulcahy, purchases will be matched up to $10,000!
Bring your family and join us for this wonderful alternative market! To purchase your gift until Dec. 31, click below:

Dec. 8: Last Day to Donate Gifts for Breakthrough Christmas Store
Choose an ornament from the Light Court Christmas tree, and bring the unwrapped gift to church by Dec. 8 — or send items directly to Breakthrough by purchasing from their Wishlists below or donating funds directly. For more information, visit www.breakthrough.org/christmas-store-24.

Dec. 11, 7PM: Taizé Service in the Chapel
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All are welcome to attend this special meditative service of repetitive, prayerful song, and extended periods of silence. Taizé-style prayer allows everyone to take part in a time of expectant listening and attentive waiting on God. This simple service can draw one into an experience of God’s presence and love in one’s innermost being.

Dec. 13, 9AM–2PM: Red Cross Blood Drive in Plymouth Hall
Save a life—give blood at The First Congo Red Cross Blood Drive!
Schedule your appointment now at 1-800-RED-CROSS or RedCrossBlood.org. Questions? Email jean@wscongo.org. Volunteers needed!

Dec. 13, 6:30–9:30PM: JRneys of Giving: Serving @ the Breakthrough Christmas Store
Everyone is invited to help with The Christmas Store setup at the Breakthrough FamilyPlex. Reach out to Jen Enriquez at jen@wscongo.org to see how your child can get involved.

Dec. 15, 8:45 & 10AM*: 3rd Sunday of Advent
Special Musical Offering: Traditional Lessons & Carols
Join us for a heartfelt service featuring traditional lessons and carols, Scripture readings, and timeless songs that beautifully tell the story of Christ’s birth.

Dec. 15, 5–6PM: Words & Music “Laughing All the Way!” It’s Christmas in Plymouth Hall!
The All In Band brings Christmastime to life with a mix of timeless holiday standards and fresh new favorites, creating a musical experience everyone can enjoy! Bring your friends!

Dec. 15, 7–8:30PM: Annual PF Christmas Party
Celebrate the season with your First Congo high school-age faith friends!

Dec. 20, 9–11AM: Real Talk! Insights from Young Adults — A Moms in Faith event
Seim Room
Join us to hear inspiring stories from local young adults about growing up in our community. Listen, connect, and gain fresh perspectives from this engaging group!
Childcare is available.

Dec. 21, 6-8PM: Longest Night Labyrinth Walk with Harpist in Plymouth Hall
This unique, contemplative event takes place during the winter solstice, the longest night of the year, offering participants a serene, meditative experience as they walk the labyrinth illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight, accompanied by the soothing melodies of a harp.
The walk is from darkness into light as we prepare for the coming of the Christ Child, the Light of the World. Walkers are invited to write the name of a loved one on an angel ornament to place on the tree.

Dec. 22, 8:45 & 10AM*: 4th Sunday of Advent
Hope is Worth the Risk: Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 1:46-55
As we gather for worship and light the candle of Love, we are reminded that taking risks for hope can lead to profound change and blessings. Let us reflect on the hope that guides us, encourages us to take bold steps, and inspires us to trust in God’s plan, even when the path is uncertain. Together, we celebrate the incredible promise of new beginnings that hope brings into our lives.

Dec. 22: Live Nativity on the Lawn at 3PM and Carols & Cocoa at 4PM
Please join us on the front lawn to celebrate the true spirit of Christmas — we’ll have live stable animals (yes, you can pet them!), and we’ll light candles and sing carols, accompanied by a volunteer brass ensemble (email ray@wscongo.org, if you’d like to participate).
The Holy Family, including Baby Jesus, will arrive at 5PM. Hot cocoa will keep us warm and toasty throughout! Please invite a friend or neighbor to this celebration!

Dec. 24, 3:30 & 5PM*: Christmas Eve Worship and Pageant
The youth of our church serve as the worship leaders in our early Christmas Eve services. The All-In Band leads the congregation in singing our favorite carols, and a Christmas Pageant will whimsically retell the story of Christ’s birth. If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please contact Jen Enriquez.
Dec. 24, 8:30* & 10PM: Traditional Christmas Eve Worship Service in the Sanctuary
A traditional Christmas Eve service with the Chancel Choir and brass ensemble is a timeless and heartwarming experience, reminding us of the enduring message of hope, love, and salvation that Christmas represents. It encapsulates the essence of the holiday season in a way that resonates with the deep traditions of faith and the enduring significance of the birth of Christ.

Dec. 25, 11AM: Christmas Poinsettia Ministry
The Poinsettia Ministry provides poinsettia plants to individuals who may need some extra Christmas Cheer. Volunteers personally deliver the poinsettia plants to the homes or care facilities of the recipients. If you’re interested in volunteering, email Pastor Meredith.

Dec. 29, 10AM*: Worship in the Sanctuary
We will offer a single worship service on this Sunday. There is no Sunday school but the nursery will be available.

Jan. 12, 12–3:30PM: PF Goes to San Lucas
The tradition continues! Our high school ministry invites you to join us in serving a warm lunch to those facing homelessness and hunger in Humboldt Park.
*These services will be live-streamed on The First Congregational Church of Western Springs YouTube channel:
Our pastoral care team recognizes that the holiday season may be especially tender for some – those who are grieving, those who may feel alone or isolated, those with fractured relationships. Whatever you are feeling, we are here for you and welcome you to contact us. Please reach out to Pastors Rich, Meredith or Kathryn.